My 2021 Goals & Word Of The Year

Happy New Year Friends!

The past few years I chosen a word for the year and really like the concept so we are keeping with tradition this year. In 2020 my word was CHANGE and oh there was A LOT of change! To some up 2020 for us, we got married, the world then shut down, Travis lost his job but get a 10x better one, I quit my 9-5 to give my all to my business, we moved from Orlando to Sarasota and that basically wraps up 2020 for us.

On to 2021 my word this year is STRENGTH. With all the change that happened last year I want to gain strength in my life and show strength in my business and life as well. That being said I’ve spent the last few weeks setting goals both personal & business. These aren’t resolutions because truthfully I never ever stick to resolutions but last year writing goals down and making a vision board for those things were a huge help, 2/3 of those goals were accomplished and I couldn’t be more proud!

So cheers to 2021! I hope y’all have an awesome start to the new year!

Everyday Look & How You Can Work With Me

Happy Wednesday Friends!

Hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving holiday and got some much needed R and R. I wanted to share this everyday look with you something you will catch me in a lot in the cooler months unless it gets super cold here in FL. I love dresses from Old Navy and this is my favorite denim jacket for LC Lauren Conrad! To add to this I need to talk about one of my favorite shoe companies for a second, Vionic makes some amazing shoes and not only are they cute they are comfortable and what is better than that? Their shoes are invest pieces but they will last you forever, so totally worth it!

Another thing I wanted to share with y’all is that in addition to my course Building A Blog You Can Monetize that is still open, I’m opening up some spots in December if you want to work with me 1:1 or just need a 30 minute call with me. Contact me if that is something you’re interested in before the prices increase in 2021! You can use the call time with me for what you need, if you want to review your blog, ask any questions you have, or strategize for 2021 let’s set something up! Click HERE to schedule.

Building A Blog You Can Monetize

Happy Wednesday Friends!

I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I hope y’all have the best time with your family and friends and stay safe with everything going on!

I wanted to remind you that this week you can grab a seat for my signature course Building A Blog You Can Monetize and start 2021 off right! Why not invest in yourself and your business this holiday season? I’m offering special bonuses and fun things all week as a thank you and this is a opportunity for you to support a small business and further yourself at the same time!

The program is perfect for you whether you have a blog already, want to start or blog or would even like to utilize blogging and social media more to grow your audience!

The program has been already been beta tested and amazing results achieved and I can’t wait to help you level up your business in 2021!

For all the information on the course click HERE

Thanksgiving Style & Complimentary Webinar

Happy Wednesday Friends!

Last week I shared the same dress in a beautiful solid cranberry color but this week I wanted to share this dress from Maggy London in this floral print that I think is perfect for fall and Thanksgiving! If you dress up for Thanksgiving this would be great and it’s fun with the tie neck detail and pockets!

Pair this with wedges or flats and you’re set for holiday dinner! I personally love to pair this with a block heel and velvet bag to bring those rich tones and textures to the look.

As we get closer and closer to the holiday season it becomes more and more important to management and plan content to be more effective and show up for your audience. As a lot of you also have a blog or work with social media for a business I wanted to make sure you know that tomorrow I’m hosting a complimentary webinar on how to become a master of content management and planning! If you want to grab your seat click HERE now!

Photos: Kate Kelley Collection

Dress gifted from Maggy London

Holiday Look & Content Planning

Happy Wednesday friends!

I’ve got a fun holiday look from Maggy London for you today! This cranberry dress is perfect for the holiday season and a plus…it has pockets! Who doesn’t love a dress with pockets right? I love this look with some fun heels and metallic clutch to add something special to the look.

This is a classic piece you can wear to the office or out to dinner and be comfortable and put together. A must have in your closet and comes in other colors and prints.

Now let’s talk about something else for a minute for all my bloggers and business babes out there…if you have been struggling with content management and planning this year there is still time to turn it around and become a content expert and stop stressing about posting everyday.

I’ll be hosting a complimentary webinar next week on everything content management and planning and would love to see you there and answer all your content management questions! Click HERE to grab your seat today!