
3 Years Self-Employed!

3 years ago this Friday I quit my full time job in the middle of the pandemic and I’ve never looked back!

I won’t lie to you it hasn’t been easy and I still have days where I question if I did the right thing, but I wouldn’t give this up and the freedom I have for anything!

After years of doing what I thought I should and working for other people and one nasty email later I said good-bye to the corporate world and making someone else’s dreams come true and put my dreams first! 2020 was a tough year for all of us and it opened my eyes to how short life is and if you aren’t happy what are you living for?! Right?? I had thought about it for awhile but it wasn’t planned to leave my job 3 years ago but here we are! I’ve made it this far and I’m not going back! I work ten times harder to keep this as my reality then I ever did at any job I had!

So to my fellow dreamers out there, you can do it! This life of working for yourself can be your reality!

I’m cheering you on, you got this!