florida fall florals

Florida Fall Florals

Happy Wednesday Friends!

This week is a busy week for us! We move this weekend and this week is packed with plans! Is it Sunday yet?

I wanted to share some fall/Thanksgiving inspo with y’all this week! Here' in Florida it’s still sunny and warm so no need for tons of layers yet. This outfit would be perfect for some fall outings or even Thanksgiving! This dress and sandals are from Oldnavy and are great easy going pieces and paired with this hat from Amazon and bag from LC Lauren Conrad make it even more put together. All super affordable pieces and staples for fall!

I’ve got something fun for y’all this month as well! If you have been looking to better manage and plan your content for your social channels/blog for your business this complimentary webinar is going to be right up your ally! Click HERE to sign up to be the first to know the details and launch date!